Wednesday, May 16, 2012

8:48 am Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.  I just discovered i have high blood pressure and fatty liver.  Its do or die time so i have to gear up for a 21 day feast juice, Richard Simmons, Tay Bo, whatever the Quack you want to call it, super diet.  This diet is strictly dark greens juiced into a glass.  This was recommended to me by a world class athlete, Tim Ngo.  No meat, no sugar, no nothing.... Just some photosynthesis food.  If i get desperate i can grill up a fish supposedly.  Since this situation is life threatening i have to go HARD.  Just called into work because my stomach still feels the infection; about to drop a dime on a juicer and a portable oven (in case i get Loco, and have to bbq a tilapia) -  for those of you who dont know me, i have a phobia of fish bones.  I have to go to the supermarket now to pick up some leaves for breakfast! so peace out! You silly Quackers!  Live Hard or Die Young!

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