Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Finally in the groove.

celery, cucumber, leaves with dark purple or red skeleton, other leaves.  nasty but i feel some difference.  my body does not produce heavy odors.  i am drinking 2L of water a day maybe more.
sometimes i have a normal meal if i am really hungry.  that is becauase i realized i was not juicing enough.  20 oz/day was not enough.  have to up to at least 70-100.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Fighting Death Day 3

one egg + cup of leaf juice

regualar bowl of soup with noodle

snail soup  + bread

2 cups leaf juice + egg/tomato/rice

still feel weak... seams like im not getting enough nutrients because i slept 6 hours during the day

Friday, May 18, 2012

Fighting Death Day 2

Fish and veggie juice

broke down and ate it with ketchup.  But im doing it!

celery, bellpeppers, lettuce, cucumber, cabbage.... hey its not that bad

baked fish......

Im going with the transistion... will start the 21 day routine sometime next month.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

8:48 am Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.  I just discovered i have high blood pressure and fatty liver.  Its do or die time so i have to gear up for a 21 day feast juice, Richard Simmons, Tay Bo, whatever the Quack you want to call it, super diet.  This diet is strictly dark greens juiced into a glass.  This was recommended to me by a world class athlete, Tim Ngo.  No meat, no sugar, no nothing.... Just some photosynthesis food.  If i get desperate i can grill up a fish supposedly.  Since this situation is life threatening i have to go HARD.  Just called into work because my stomach still feels the infection; about to drop a dime on a juicer and a portable oven (in case i get Loco, and have to bbq a tilapia) -  for those of you who dont know me, i have a phobia of fish bones.  I have to go to the supermarket now to pick up some leaves for breakfast! so peace out! You silly Quackers!  Live Hard or Die Young!